Li Changjiang: Giving Play to Digital Intelligence Empowerment and Devoting Efforts to Creative Services
Fire Is the Test of Gold.
On December 8th, 'The Third Fengcaixun Super Finance Week' was jointly initiated by ifeng.com, house.ifeng.com, Wind Finance News, and other institutions.
Through 11 cloud dialogues, 35 heads from various institutions exchanged opinions with global economists as well as political, commercial, and academic leaders on the new pattern of real estate, industries, commerce, property, agent construction, ESG corporates' responsibilities, Metaverse, Generation Z, and other topics. They obtained a consensus from multiple sides for analyzing economic opportunities and the industry's future.
At this forum, Li Changjiang, Country Garden Services's executive director and president, delivered a speech on Giving Play to Digital Intelligence Empowerment and Devoting Efforts to Creative Services.
According to Mr. Li, the digital construction of the property industry had entered a critical period, the modernization of Chinese-style property services included digitization, and companies' top-down innovation and research and development required them to apply 'digital +' technologies to the front line. While it was also worth noting that digitization cannot simply replace real services.
In his view, digital construction was inseparable from the following three crucial parts: first, it needs to be supported by resource investment, and second, the digital application should focus on internal management and interaction with customers. "In this way, it is possible for companies to truly keep pace with the times and the country's progress."
Under the topic of company innovation, Mr. Li believed that the digital application of smart property was conducive to improving a company's internal team and business management. Externally, it helped to timely obtain actual service comments across the country; internally, it helped to accurately learn about employee dynamics, which ultimately optimized service quality.
"Digitization is a tool and a means for company management and service delivery, which is quite clear for the Country Garden Services's management." Mr. Li admitted that the direction of digitization cannot be biased, and the application of technology cannot replace cleaning, security, maintenance, and other service functions in property management. "We are aware that we are walking on a right path, and we will stick to innovation in services and management, and promote the sustainable development and application of digitization within Country Garden Services." He also stated that Country Garden Services would continue to explore new paths of service innovation, take advantage of digital technology upgrades, and increase investment of scientific research funds and manpower to build technological capabilities in property scenarios. At the same time, Country Garden Services would adhere to the concept of "Services Contribute to a Better Life", improve service efficiency, optimize customer experience, and work with the entire industry to achieve digital transformation.